How To Steal More From Ken Evoy

So who is Ken Evoy? And why to even think of stealing from him?

If you don't already know, Ken Evoy is the person who developed a system or process for making websites called SBI (SiteBuildIt). Now you know there are programs and programs on the internet for making websites. However what makes SBI stand out from other such programs is that it gives results.

And these results are there for you to see. Here are a very large number of people who have succeeded in creating websites that really work. Websites that make money. And most such people had little or no internet knowledge to begin with. Only thing that these people had was the willingness to work - the SBI did the rest.

Now won't you agree that such a system should be considered cheap at any price?

But SBI is not cheap.

It is a steal.

It costs only $299 for features that would make you poorer by $5,095 if you got them from different sources.

Now what if even $299 seems a little too high for you?

What if you wanted to steal even more from Ken?

Then here is good news...

Ken Evoy has come up with a rip off offer.

It is beyond me why Ken has come up with such an offer when he is
already offering SBI at a rock bottom price.

Maybe it is the summer madness. Who knows, but the fact is that:

You can get two SBIs for an exta $100 for a few days - up to June 21, 2008 (midnight).

This means you can get 2 SBI subscriptions for less than $400 - a whopping saving of $200!

Of course, you may not be able to start two websites at one time -- very few people can. But there also you have a solution. You need not activate the second subscription for 9 months. Start with a site and when it has started running you can go for the other site.

Or better still share the cost with a friend or a relative who wants to make a website. You save $100. Your friend saves $100.

Isn't that a deal?

But act fast. June 21 is fast approaching.


Want to fleece Ken Evoy even more?

Then here is an insider tip to take him straight to the cleaners:

  • Join the 5Pillar Affiliate program to promote SBI and other SiteSell products. You can do this before or after buying a SBI subscription for yourself.

  • Sell a subscription thru your 5Pillar affiliate link. You earn an affiliate commission of 25% of the referred sale.

  • And... you also earn a special, additional 5 Pillar Rebate of 25% of the referred SBI! sale. Yes, just for earning your first 5Pillar Affiliate check.

That is 50% saving on your purchase.

You can use this strategy anytime you buy a SBI subscription but do that before June 21 and you make $100 rebate!

But June 21 isn't that far. Act now!