Slaying the Money Monster

The main thurst of this blog is how to make money on the internet. That is why I feature here various ways that can help you make money without losing you anything. Yesterday as I was surfing the net in search of finding something useful to share with my readers, I came upon Make Money Monster which lists 5 ebooks that help you learn how to earn on the internet.

What I liked about it is that the writer doesn't push any of the books. He has just listed them and asks you to make your own judgement. So are these books useful? Maybe. This is because the book listed on No. 2 spot I have read and have found very useful. So it can be safely assumed that other books may also be quite good, though frankly I haven't read any of the other books. So do look at them if you feel like it.

What Is In A Domain Name?

Ever wonder what a domain name could mean to you?

Believe it not but a domain name can make millions. For example, if you had registered it would have made you $2.6 million according to a recent BBC newstory. (Opens in a new window.)

While everybody can't hope to be that lucky, this story proves that domains are Virtual Real Estate (VRE) and they can prove to be highly profitable.
Domain names are like real state properties which you can buy and then sell later for profit.

Investing in this real estate is not costly either. You can get a domain name for less than $10 and this investment can get you returns many times what you paid for.

According to industry research, the domain name industry is currently worth $2 billion, and it will grow to over $4 billion by the year 2010! That's pretty amazing, isn't it?, Each and every day people are buying cheap domain names and making money with them in no time at all. And it'simple once you know the secrets.

Domain Into Dollars provides a step by step video course and manuscript which shows techniques to make money from buying and selling domains for profit.

WAH Watchdog - A Review

How to find if a work at home program is good?

Work at home products and programs are everywhere on the internet. While many of them are quite legit and do help you make money online - many don't.

So how do you find which program is the way to go?

One way to find out is to join the program and find out.
But this can be very costly. You lose good money if the program proves to be a dud.

Another and better way is to first look at the review of the program from a reliable source . This way you know what you are getting into before making a decision. WAH Watchdog is such a site.

Run by Sam & Barbara Haynes, WAH Watchdog is a "work at home" product and "money making system" review site. It tracks more than 100 products and programs and rates them according to their quality from A - excellent to F -worthless.

No doubt such grading system could be subjective but to give their recommendations more authority the site has a voting system from actual site visitors who have used the reviewed products and programs. And from the count of the visitors that this site gets everyday there is a reason to believe that this site has apparently proved useful to its viewers.

WAH Watchdog is certainly worth a visit if you are looking for a work at home opportunity or if you have some such product in mind about which you may be thinking of trying.