Can you say, "Hello"?

I find this post by Phil so inspiring that I keep it on my desktop to read it time and again. I am glad to share it with you with Phil’s permission. Read on…

Could You Use More Money?

The answer is probably, “Yes.” Am I right? (OK, that was a no-brainer. Let’s move on now.)

A more important question to me is:

Can you fully, by that I mean JOYFULLY, PEACEFULLY, HAPPILY and GRATEFULLY imagine already having PLENTY OF MONEY, more than you need, much more than you currently have, much more than you currently have any need for?

As you may have already heard, there is a value in being able to imagine in this sort of way. Done correctly, it raises your mood, delights you, uplifts your ‘vibration’ and changes your relationship to others and the Universe.

“The important thing is that you actively put yourself in the vibration you must for your desired outcome to be created.” - Multimillionaire John Assaraf, from p. 168 of his book ‘The Street Kid’s Guide To Having It All’

Consider this excerpt from a 1976 interview between a Mr. Chandler and Arnold Schwarzenegger: Chandler asked Arnold what he was going to do after he retired from bodybuilding. "I'm going to be the number-one box-office star in all of Hollywood," he CALMLY responded. [emphasis mine] Remember, this was when few people outside bodybuilding knew he existed.

Chandler said he had to fight to keep a straight face as he was asking how he planned to do that. Arnold's explanation seemed "ridiculously simple," but Chandler never forgot it: "What you do is create a vision of who you want to be, and then LIVE INTO THAT PICTURE AS IF IT WERE ALREADY TRUE." [emphasis mine]

“It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects, and, therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich.” - Wallace Wattles ‘The Science of Getting Rich’

"Everything is about Law of Attraction. Not law of going out and getting it. It's not law of deserving. It is not law of earning. It is just law of achieving vibrational harmony with that which you want, and then it cannot not come. It must come to you." - Abraham-Hicks

But then, to imagine in such a way will COST you. Everything of value has a price to pay. If you are unwilling to pay the price, you cannot get the benefit. So, what is the cost of imagining fully, already having something you want?

The cost is, you must give up something quite dear to you: You must, at least temporarily, give up your current sense of yourself and reality and what you think is possible.

Now, a superficial look at this kind of ‘paying the price’ would seem to be a no-brainer. It seems we all would easily exchange a more limited view of ourselves and what’s possible, for a more unlimited, expansive and rewarding view. But the truth is often otherwise.

Our current view of ourselves and life and its possibilities seems SAFE. It may not be great, but at least it’s somewhat good or it might even be painful, but it’s what we KNOW. And to even temporarily give up the KNOWN for the UNKNOWN can be, well,… it can be SCARY. (Of course, it can also be EXCITING, uplifting and invigorating, but this ‘reaction’ usually comes better with a bit of practice.)

This brings me to the concept of COURAGE. What is it to be courageous? It is not, as some think, acting without fear. More often it’s acting IN SPITE OF fear.

Have you ever said a friendly, “Hello,” to someone you didn’t know, but were very attracted to? If so, you probably know what I’m talking about.

Back to image of having PLENTY OF MONEY.

Can you say, “Hello,” to having plenty of money in delightful, peaceful ways? (Or, any other great thing that you want?)

Just a thought.


Free Offers - Are They For Real?

Lots of free things are offered on the internet.

Free coupons, samples, free gift cards, free phones, free lunch, free high ticket items. All these and more are offered just as giveaways. You participate in the offer and the thing is yours. No raffle or drawing of any kind. Your gift is guaranteed.

Then there are surveys which offer chances to win brand new cars, cruises, bikes, makeovers and other high-value stuff. Fill up the survey and you are entered in the draw for such items.

You naturally ask:

  • How can anybody offer such valuable things for free?

  • Is this all sham or fraud of some kind?

  • Is there some hidden cost to these seemingly free handouts?

  • Is there some catch?

While there maybe some shady deals on the net, not all such offers are fraudulent. And believe it or not, the offered things are given free to you. Free in the sense that you don't have to pay money for them. Instead you pay for these items in other way. So there is a cost to you after all.

So What Is The Cost to You?
You pay for these goodies with your time. Companies use these offers to call your attention to their products or services. The idea is that if you get to see their products or services you may be inclined to go for them when you are in need of such things. For getting your attention, they offer discount coupons, samples, free gift cards or chances to win big ticket items, the basic idea remains the same – to reach as many consumers like you and me.

Your Benefits
When you participate in such offers, your instant gain is the freebie or a winning chance, but there is yet another advantage to you. You get to know about many new products and services that may have come up on the market recently. These may be more competitive or have more benefits. And most important of all, they are free. So you don’t lose anything to do them.

How to Gain From These Offers
The best way to gain from such offers is to look at them and see what you have to do to participate. Enter as many free surveys as possible that offer you free winning chances. Also the free gift card offers and other free item offers work in pretty same way. Most of them ask you to answer a short survey and complete some offers according to their guidelines. This is their way to promote their products and services.

Your best bet is to go for those offers that don’t ask you to pay anything. And do as many as possible. Because more you participate, the more chances you have to win or get a gift of your choice.

Take Prompt Action
All such offers are time sensitive. The winning survey offers do go on for a longer period of time as they want to have as many responses as possible for a single prize, but even then there naturally has to be a cut-off date.

On the other hand, the outright giveaway offers are on for a relatively shorter time. They are limited by the number of gifts that have been allocated for that promotion. Once that many gifts have been given out, these offers come to an end.

So don’t delay in going for something that seems attractive to you.

Try Them Now
Here are some offers of various kinds:

Take these surveys for a chance to win:
7-Day Caribbean Cruise!
Hummer H3 SUV or Lexus GS 300

Enter your email for these giveaway offers:
$100 Visa Gift Card
Free Street Fighter 2 Arcade System

Asking for your prayers - Huricane Katrina

My friend Agnes posted this appeal on a forum asking members to pray for her sister's well-being.

Asking for your prayers - Huricane KatrinaPosted: 01 Sep 2005 07:40 AM

To all members of Adlandpro -
I am asking for your prayers because I do not know the fate of my sister Sarah Mutisya who had just moved to New Orleans last month to attend Tulane University.

I am very worried about her. The last time I spoke with her was last Saturday night, then on Sunday morning she sent me a text message letting me know that they were on their way to Bogalusa and traffic was very bad. Since then I have not heard from her and I cannot get through her cell phone.


Media accounts of the ravages of Killer Katarina make a sad reading, but they necessarily lack the expression of the individual suffering of people affected by this calamity. The appeal of Agnes is an example of what countless people must be suffering because of this natural disaster.

So please join me in praying for the well-being of the sis of Agnes and all others who are suffering in this dark hour.

May God have mercy on all! Amen.

Web Success Secret - Overdeliver

A few days back I got an email telling me to look at a software which was revolutionary. It enabled anybody to earn lawful income on the internet without hype or without making any false promises, etc, etc...

Well, we all receive such emails almost everyday, but rarely look at them. I would have done the same but as it was from a friend I clicked the link.

What I found was quite interesting. It was really a new way to make money - at least it looked that way to me.

Moreover, it was very much affordable and promised many of the things that I wanted. So I went for it. Tell you the truth I was infuenced more by its low price rather than its promises. My friend’s recommendation also played some part in this decision.

But here I was in for a surprise.

It was more than it promised to be. It gave me many resources which I was not expecting. Moreover, the income-earning technique was was based on a simple, but novel idea.

Now perhaps you are thinking that I am trying to push that software on you. Click below if you want to see it, but the point I am trying to make is quite different.

This software clicked with me because it overdelivered on its promises. It gave me more than what I expected from its sales letter.

This is the strategy that successful webmasters use. They give a lot to their visitors. Actually lots more than what is expected. So visitors return to their sites again and again. They buy from the site, click its links and join its suggested programs, tell others about it. In a word, those who deliver, succeed.

How to overdeliver
Whatever the subject of your site, overdelivery starts with the consideration of your visitor. Put yourself in his/her shoes. Think that if you were visiting that site, what would you want from it. What questions would you have. What problems you would like to be solved.

Then answer these questions and you will have a solid content for your site. For this you may have to do some research and it will add to the value of your site.

A site with relevant and quality content has two distinct advantages:

No doubt, the human visitors like such a site and come to it again. But search engines also love it. Its ranking goes high as search engines like Google look for content rather than the keyword meta tags.

Let us say you have come to my work at home site. Naturally you expect to find what earning options are available.

Which ones will be suitable to your skills and the time available to you. What income you should expect to make. What you will have to do to earn that income. How to find the right programs and what you should do to avoid fraud. Where to get help and where to find more such opportunities.

If you get all these things and something more, I have given you value. You feel satisfied.

But won't you feel cheated if you find that my site has skimpy info and lots of banner and other ads of the work at home programs I am promoting? Will you return to my site, ever?

How to Succeed with Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs are the first choice of most newcomers to net earnings because they have many advantages:

1. All you have to do is to join a merchant program as an affiliate and send visitors to the merchant site

2. All other work such as making a sale, delivering the product or service, receiving payment, attending to the complaints or making a refund, is handled by the merchant site.

3. The merchant site also sees to it that you are paid commission when a sale is made through your efforts.

4. You are also rewarded when a sale is made through the efforts of an affiliate referred by you to the merchant site.

All easy and simple. But most affiliates soon find that in spite of their best efforts they are not making any money. This is because the affiliate earnings depend not on how many visitors they send to the merchant site, but how many of them buy the product or service of the merchant.

So just sending visitors to the merchant site is not enough. You can do this easily by joining traffic exchange or autosurf programs. Your merchant site will be seen hundreds of times but it will not make a sale. This is because these visitors are not interested in your site. They are looking at it to earn credits so they can show their site to others.

This is not to say that traffic programs have no use at all. I have used them successfully to build my downline in free-to-join programs, but have never made a sale through them. Most members of such programs are promoting their own programs. They could get interested in joining other opportunities, but would rarely go for a product themselves.

So if you want to earn from affiliate programs the thing to do is to send interested visitors to your merchant site.

Who is an interested visitor?
This is the visitor who reached your site by himself. He is looking for the product you are promoting. This is why he took the trouble of finding it from a search engine or from the particular kind of ads or forums.

This visitor is red hot for a sale. He is already interested in your product. If he finds what he wants on your merchant site, he is very much likely to look at the product's features, mentally compare it with other similar products, ask for more information by giving his email address. All this can lead to a sale and a commission for you.

How to target interested visitors
The best way to reach interested visitors is promoting your products through search engines submissions, placing catchy ads, posting in forums or through your own website.

This may sound daunting to newcomers at first but all these are do-able with a little effort. You can get help for mastering all these skills from the resources freely available on the internet.

Join the right programs
Joining right affiliate programs can also help a good deal to gain affiliate mastery. While great many affiliate programs give you a few text ads and banners and be done with you, there are some programs that give valuable training to succeed. Click here for tips on which programs to join.

Be positive
Most newcomers to internet earning fail because they expect to be rich in a week, if not overnight. When this doesn't happen as it rarely does in real life, they get discouraged. They are also influenced by others who like them tried but failed to earn with affiliate programs. The result -- they give up, frustrated.

The reality is that nobody becomes rich overnight in internet marketing. You have to work at it consistently. Most important of all, banish negative thinking from your life and believe that if others have succeeded, you, too, can and will.

That perhaps is the most important ingredient for your success.

Web Success Secret - Keep Your Visitors Interested

Visitors to your site come looking for information or solutions to their problems. They will remain there if they find what they are looking for. Otherwise there is always that Back Button to the search engine to click another site.

So the success of your site depends not on bringing the visitors to your site but on keeping them interested and willing to look around once they are there.

You can do this only by giving information of their interest.

For example, when a housewife looking to shape up comes to your weight loss site, she expects to find ways to deal with her weight problem.

What would be her reaction if she sees just a pic of your product, a list of its features and the Buy Now button. Of course, your page is also showing a shapely bathing beauty implying what she could look like if she used your product, but will it cut much ice with her?

She has already seen so many such ads on TV, internet and in magazines. No, she doesn't need yet another weight loss ad. She has seen them all. She doesn’t want to get inferiority complex looking at glamorous pictures. She wants ways to solve her problem.

But she would be interested if your site tells her…

1. How to find out if she is really overweight from the ideal weight tables on your site

2. Which foods cause weight gain

3. What simple exercises can help her reduce fat

This is the information she can use immediately. She can check if she is really overweight, if she is eating the wrong foods and how she can start doing simple exercises to fix her problem.

By helping to solve her problems without asking her to spend anything, you have put her in the right frame of mind to click your ads or to look at the weight loss product which you are selling.

This, of course, doesn't guarantee that she will buy your product on the first visit - few visitors do. But by giving her useful information, you have gained her trust. She may come to your site again to check for some information. She may tell her friends about your site. She or one of her friends may buy your product. Return visits and referrals increase the chances of any site for making sales.

I have used weight loss as an example but this goes for whatever the theme of your site – internet marketing, home based business or something else.

Bottom line: You are more likely to succeed if you help your visitors instead of comin on with a strong sales pitch.

Who wants to be sold to? Do you?

Online Paid Surveys - Do They Really Pay?

Many ask this question.

Perhaps you too have asked it when you saw survey ads that promise you nearly the earth for a few minutes of your time.

You ask: If this is so simple, why bother with anything else? Why not just do surveys and get rich? And, why isn't everybody doing them?

At the same time you also know that not all are doing surveys. Not all are getting rich with them either. Your gut feeling is that making money online or offline couldn't be that simple.

If you passed up that ad, you did right.
But if because of that ad you got the impression that surveys are all hot air, that is something else again.

Some survey ads may be too hard to swallow but surveys, in themselves, are not scams.

The truth is quite the reverse.

1. Surveys are a legitimate commercial activity which you can use to earn income.

2. More important, you don't have to pay to take part in any survey at all.

Here is why
Companies want opinions of consumers before putting a new or an improved product on the market. They want to make sure whether people will like the new product or not before spending money on development and promotion of new products.

This is what companies were doing long before internet came along. Now internet has made it easy for them to know the opinions of a large number of consumers on a large scale.

So instead of sending their reps to neighborhood homes, the companies now hire market research sites to conduct surveys. These sites then invite their members to take part in surveys. The results of the surveys help the company to decide if a new product will be successful.

In this way when you take part in an online survey, you are doing a valuable service to the company. So it stands to reason that you shouldn't have to pay anything at all. Actually you should be paid for your time spent in giving your opinion.

With this in mind, you can certainly earn from surveys without spending anything.

Here is how to start:
Join survey or market research sites. All such sites are free-to-join. Some will pay you a joining bonus even. This is because they want to have a large member base without which they cannot run their business.

This should tell you that survey sites need you as much as you want them. So go for the best of the lot on the internet.

Here, for example, is a good site to join:

Gozing Surveys

This is just for starters, but you need to join lots of survey sites to make a regular income. More sites you join, the more often you will get invited to take part in surveys. Click here for more survey sites

Some webmasters have made a business of providing you a list of survey sites for a fee. These actually are survey databases or lists of surveys which are updated regularly. You may join them if you like but you can make your own list yourself with a little effort without spending anything.

Click here for more information on how to build your own list of surveys to earn regular income from online surveys.

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